Abraham and Isaac
Bible Story passage:
Book of Genesis 22:1-19

Today, we have a wonderful Bible story to learn about. It's the story of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham was a faithful man who loved God very much. Let's dive into this exciting story and discover what happened.
Dear God, thank you for this day and for gathering us here to learn more about you. Help us to understand the story of Abraham and Isaac and how it teaches us to trust and obey you. In Jesus' name, we pray, amen.
Song Title: When I look
Once upon a time, there was a man named Abraham. He loved God and always listened to Him. One day, God spoke to Abraham and asked him to do something very difficult. God said, "Abraham, take your son Isaac, whom you love, and go to a mountain. There, I want you to offer Isaac as a special sacrifice to me." Sacrifice means giving up something very important or special to show our love and trust in God.Abraham was surprised and sad because he loved his son very much. But he trusted God and knew that God had a plan. So, early the next morning, Abraham and Isaac packed their things and set off on a journey to the mountain.
When they arrived, Abraham built a place for God and arranged the wood on top. Isaac saw everything and asked his father, "Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?" Abraham replied, "God will provide a lamb, my son."
Just as Abraham was about to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, an angel of the Lord called out to him, "Abraham, don't hurt your son! God knows you trust Him." Abraham looked up and saw a ram, a male sheep, caught in a bush nearby. God had provided the lamb for the sacrifice.
Abraham was so happy and thanked God for His faithfulness. They offered the ram as a sacrifice instead of Isaac. God was pleased with Abraham's obedience and blessed him for his trust.
Abraham was surprised and sad because he loved his son very much. But he trusted God and knew that God had a plan. So, early the next morning, Abraham and Isaac packed their things and set off on a journey to the mountain.
When they arrived, Abraham built a place for God and arranged the wood on top. Isaac saw everything and asked his father, "Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?" Abraham replied, "God will provide a lamb, my son."
Just as Abraham was about to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, an angel of the Lord called out to him, "Abraham, don't hurt your son! God knows you trust Him." Abraham looked up and saw a ram, a male sheep, caught in a bush nearby. God had provided the lamb for the sacrifice.
Abraham was so happy and thanked God for His faithfulness. They offered the ram as a sacrifice instead of Isaac. God was pleased with Abraham's obedience and blessed him for his trust.
- Who was the main character in the story? (Abraham)
- What did God ask Abraham to do? (Take his son Isaac and offer him as a sacrifice)
- Was Abraham happy or sad about this? (Sad)
- Did Abraham trust God? (Yes)
- What did God provide instead of Isaac as a sacrifice? (A ram caught in a bush)
- How did Abraham show his trust in God? (By obeying and going to the mountain)
- Why do you think God asked Abraham to do this? (To test his faith and obedience)
- How did Abraham feel when he saw the ram? (Relieved and thankful)
- Did Abraham sacrifice Isaac in the end? (No, God provided a ram instead)
- Did God bless Abraham for his trust and obedience? (Yes)
- Who was the main character in the story? (Abraham)
- What did God ask Abraham to do? (Take his son Isaac and offer him as a sacrifice)
- Was Abraham happy or sad about this? (Sad)
- Did Abraham trust God? (Yes)
- What did God provide instead of Isaac as a sacrifice? (A ram caught in a bush)
- How did Abraham show his trust in God? (By obeying and going to the mountain)
- Why do you think God asked Abraham to do this? (To test his faith and obedience)
- How did Abraham feel when he saw the ram? (Relieved and thankful)
- Did Abraham sacrifice Isaac in the end? (No, God provided a ram instead)
- Did God bless Abraham for his trust and obedience? (Yes)